
Q&A: The Acting Business

Raina answers your questions about the acting business! Visit her profile on UBC and feel free to ask her additional questions about acting here.

A lot of people have been asking me for advice about agencies, managers, SAG, auditioning sites, the audition process, call back process, acting techniques, how to make a resume, headshots, the best acting coaches, personal experiences, etc. Here are your questions, answered! 

Q: What are some good places/things/fundamentals to get your film career started?

A: Start by taking legit classes. They look great on a resume, and you can learn a lot from them. My favorite is Margie Haber. They help you become a better actress, plus they have connections. I would also try and get a manager and agent. They can help get you really good auditions. Also, spend some of your free time looking on the internet for auditions (but make sure they aren't scams!) Try to go on as many auditions as possible, and keep working on getting better. It's better to get only one audition and be amazing than it is to get 20 auditions and not have worked on your monologue.

When I was auditioning in New York, I took classes from Alice Spivak (who I recommend).

Here are some SAG affiliated agencies.
Be sure to submit to them about once every two months.

Q: Suppose I want to take acting classes. One place is cheaper and apparently pretty good, but there's another place that, while REALLY expensive, goes to Los Angeles to do showcases and 
stuff. Which one should I go for?

A: If you think that you'll learn just as much from the cheap one, I would go with that. Showcases are really cool, but there's no guarantee you're going to be noticed. Go with what your gut says. They're both probably good. If you don't go with the showcase one, I would try to get an agent the traditional way!

Q: How would you go about finding services that are reliable? (whether they're acting classes, auditions, or talent agencies). I know there are a lot of scams out there, so I was wondering how you would find good, reliable information.

A: For agencies, check the SAG website (http://www.sag.org/content/find-agent). Any agencies that are on there are legit, although they might not necessarily be good agencies. Being a SAG affiliated agency basically tells you that they're not a scam, but it doesn't guarantee that they'll get you auditions. So look at the SAG agencies in your area and do some reaserch. Find reviews. 

Remember: If you have to pay for an agency, RUN AWAY. Agencies get their money by getting you roles. If they get their money by making you pay, they will not care about getting you roles! With acting coaches and managers, look around and try to find reviews online.

Q: What are the requirements to become a part of the SAG?

A: In order to become SAG yourself, you need to be in a SAG production. This makes becoming SAG extremely difficult because usually SAG productions cast SAG people. You need to be lucky enough that there's an open call for a SAG production, or that you have an agent that gets you a SAG audition.

Q: On many local listing sites, you can find a lot of people who can take professional pictures of you for free in return for being able to build their photography portfolio. Would this be okay for a headshot?

A: Of course! A headshot should look professional, look like you (not some glammed up version of you), and be a good photo of you. If the person who's taking your photo takes good photos, it doesn't matter whether or not you paid for them. [Use your best judgment with ads such as these, and bring a parent!]

Original questions and answers edited for clarity.

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